Sep 1, 2015

FSSAI issues draft quality norms for flavored milk, ice-cream

The latest draft norms will further amend the existing quality standards prescribed in the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011.
NEW DELHI: Food safety regulator FSSAI today came up with draft quality standard norms for various dairy products, including flavored milk, ice-cream, yoghurt, among others.
At present, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has norms for milk, paneer, ghee, butter etc.
The latest draft norms will further amend the existing quality standards prescribed in the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011.
The regulator has also sought public comments on the draft regulations.
The draft norms on quality standards of dairy products are related to microbiological requirements such as aerobic plate count, coliform count, staph aureus (Coagulase positive), yeast and mold count and faecal streptococci.
Apart from dairy products, the regulator has also come up with draft quality standard norms for regulating microbes in meat and meat products.
Both quality standards norms will come into force after 60 days of it being published in the official gazette.
FSSAI has already put an upper limit on the presence of insecticides and metal contaminants in milk and milk products.

கரப்பான் பூச்சி விவகாரம் ஆவின் கொள்முதல் நிலையத்தில் உணவு பாதுகாப்பு துறை அதிகாரிகள் ஆய்வு

கோவை, செப்.1:
கோவை யில் விநி யோ கிக் கப் பட்ட ஆவின் பால் பாக் கெட்டில் கரப் பான் பூச்சி மிதந்த விவ கா ரம் தொடர் பாக ஆவின் பால் கொள் மு தல் நிலை யத் தில் உணவு பாது காப்பு துறை அதி கா ரி கள் நேற்று ஆய்வு நடத் தி னர்.
கோவை ஆவின் பால் நிறு வ னம் மூலம் மரக் கடை பகு தி யில் உள்ள ஒரு மளிகை கடைக்கு விநி யோ கம் செய் யப் பட்ட அரை லிட்டர் பால் பாக் கெட்டில் கடந்த இரண்டு நாட் களுக்கு முன் கரப் பான் பூச்சி மிதந் தது கண் டு பி டிக் கப் பட்டது. இது தொ டர் பாக பாலை வாங் கி ய வர் ஆவின் நிறு வ னத் தி டம் புகார் அளித் துள் ளார்.
இத னைத் தொ டர்ந்து, பாலில் கரப் பான் பூச்சி எப் படி வந் தது என் பது பற் றி யும், பால் பாக் கெட் குறித் தும் ஆவின் நிறு வன அதி கா ரி கள் விசா ரணை நடத்தி வரு கின் ற னர். இந் நி லை யில், மாவட்ட உணவு பாது காப்பு துறை அதி கா ரி கள், கோவையை அடுத்த பச் சா பா ளை யத் தில் உள்ள ஆவின் பால் கொள் மு தல் நிலை யத் தில் அ தி ர டி ஆய்வு நடத் தி னர்.
விவ சா யி களி ட மி ருந்து பால் கொள் மு தல் செய் யும் இடம், ஆய் வ கம், பேக் கிங் மற் றும் பினி சிங் என பல இடங் களில் ஆய்வு மேற் கொண் ட னர். எல்லா இடங் களி லும் சுத் தம் மற் றும் சுகா தா ரம் பேணப் ப டு கி றதா என் பதை கண் கா ணித் த னர்.
காலை 10 மணி முதல் மதி யம் 12 மணி வரை சுமார் 2 மணி நேரம் இந்த ஆய்வு நடந் தது. கொள் மு த லில் துவங்கி, பேக் கிங் வரை என் னென்ன விதி மு றை களை கடை பி டிக்க வேண் டும் என் பது பற்றி ஆவின் ஊழி யர் களுக்கு அறி வுரை வழங் கி னர்.
இது கு றித்து மாவட்ட உணவு பாது காப்பு துறை அதி காரி கதி ர வன் கூறு கை யில், “கோவை பச் சாப் பா ளை யம் ஆவின் பால் கொள் மு தல் நிலை யத் தில் ஆய்வு நடத் தி னோம்.
பால் கொள் மு தல் செய் வது முதல் அனைத்து துறை களி லும் ஆய்வு செய் தோம். பின் னர், ஆவின் அதி கா ரி களி டம் பால் சேமிப்பு நிலை யத்தை தூய் மை யாக வைக்க கூறி யுள் ளோம். பால் சேமிப்பு பகு தி யில் தேவை யற்ற பொருட் கள் நிறைய இருந் தது. அவற்றை உட ன டி யாக அப் பு றப் ப டுத்த உத் த ர விட்டோம். எங் க ளது அறி வு ரையை ஏற் ப தாக ஆவின் நிறு வ னம் ஒப் புக் கொண் டுள் ள து” என் றார்.
உணவு பாது காப்பு துறை அதி கா ரி கள் மேற் கொண் டுள்ள ஆய் வின் அடிப் ப டை யில், கோவை ஆவின் கொள் மு தல் நிலை யத் தில் சுகா தா ர மற்ற முறை யில் பால் பதப் ப டுத் து தல் மற் றும் பேக் கிங் செய் வது தெரி ய வந் துள் ளது. இந்த விவ கா ரத்தை தொடர்ந்து, நுகர் வோ ரி ட மி ருந்து பால் கொள் மு தல் அளவு குறைந் து வி டும் என்ற அச் சம் ஆவின் அதி கா ரி களி டையே எழுந் துள் ளது. இது பற்றி ஆவின் அதி கா ரி கள் கூறு கை யில்,
‘’கரப் பான் பூச்சி விவ கா ரம் தொடர் பாக தொடர்ந்து விசா ரணை நடத்தி வரு கி றோம்.
சுத் த மான முறை யில் பேக் கிங் செய் வ தில் 24 மணி நேர மும் கவ னம் செலுத்தி வரு கி றோம். விசா ரணை அறிக்கை, உணவு பாது காப்பு துறை யி ட மும், மாவட்ட கலெக் ட ரி ட மும்
வழங் கப் ப டும் என் ற னர்.
ஏற் க னவே இரு முறை நோட்டீஸ்
ஆவின் நிலை யத் தில் சுகா தா ர மற்ற நிலை உள் ளது என ஏற் க னவே கோவை மாவட்ட உணவு பாது காப்பு துறைக்கு கடந்த 2012 மற் றும் 2014ம் ஆண் டு களில் இரு முறை புகார் வந் தது. இரு மு றை யும் இத் துறை அதி கா ரி கள் விளக் கம் கேட்டு ஆவின் நிறு வ னத் துக்கு நோட்டீஸ் அனுப் பி னர். ஆனால், தற் போது வரை ஆவின் நிறு வ னத் தி ட மி ருந்து எந்த பதி லும் வர வில்லை. தற் போது, மூன் றா வது முறை யாக புகார் எழுந் துள் ளது.




Health food under government lens

PUNE: The ever-increasing craze for dietary supplements, especially among youths who yearn for a well-sculpted body with six or 10 pack abs, has compelled the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to come up with regulations on the food supplements and nutraceuticals (see box) industry.
The FSSAI intends to formulate guidelines for labelling, packaging, manufacturing and sale of such products.
Besides targeting popular vitamins or protein based products, the guidelines - which were long awaited - will look at regulating dietary or medicinal supplements that promise guaranteed prevention or treatment of diseases. The comprehensive guidelines are in the draft stage right now.
"Overload of information on the internet and aggressive marketing have increased the sale of supplements, which are often consumed without consulting doctors. This is not advisable, as prolonged use of too much protein or supplements can have adverse effects like damage to kidneys," says nutritionist Esther Sathiaraj.
Sathiaraj said that several people come to her wondering if they really need food supplements. "Guidelines framed by the government can play an important role in creating awareness and keeping a check on spurious or harmful products. They would also ensure that such food products are not sold as medicines," said Sathiaraj.
At present, India does not have any rules for approving or monitoring products under this segment. As a result, the food regulators find it difficult to segregate fake or products that are potentially harmful for health. "It is not possible for us to frame charges against any firm indulging in malpractices. Hence, there have been no registered cases in the nutraceuticals category," said Dilip Sangat, assistant commissioner, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pune.
While India lacks any specific framework, the nutraceutical industry continues to grow steadily in tandem with the global market. Established pharmaceutical and even beauty product firms are venturing and investing heavily in the products - seeing the interest rise among the Indian consumer.
A recent report released by the Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) and RNCOS market research firm, estimates this vast industry in India will cross US$ 6.1 billion by 2020 from the current level of US$ 2.8 billion, "growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 17%".
DS Rawat, secretary general, Assocham, said, "The Indian nutraceuticals market is at a nascent stage, but fast emerging and accounts for 1.5% of the global market. Its market share is indeed on the rise."
Sheetal Arora, managing director of pharma major Mankind, said, "Since innovation in pharma sector is slow, every company is moving towards nutraceuticals as it is a sector with a lot of scope as lifestyle diseases are also on the rise. In the last 18 months, 60% of our products have been from this segment. In the coming years too our focus will be majorly on nutraceuticals."
Once the guidelines are in place, the already existing products may be called in for approvals again, even though many from the industry claim that their product line is already approved by the FSSAI.
Prachi Mohapatra, senior manager, brand and communication - South Asia, Oriflame, says, "We already have all our products FSSAI-approved and follow all current regulations." Oriflame has recently launched a wellness division through which they sell weight management shakes and soups and omega 3 fish oil supplements.
What are nutraceuticals:
Can come in the form of granules, powder, tablet, capsule, liquid or gel, which contains a naturally occurring chemical compound which has a physiological benefit or provides protection against chronic disease
Examples: Sports drinks, fortified milk, protein powders and shakes, whey protein etc
Foods or health supplements
They are foods which are concentrated sources of one or more nutrients and are offered alone or in combination, but are not drugs as defined in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
Examples: Multi-vitamins and multi-minerals, omega 3 fish oil, etc
Novel foods:
Foods that were not historically consumed by humans or contain ingredients obtained by new processes which result in significant changes in the composition or structure of the food products
Examples: Coconut water powder, noni juice etc
Guidelines snapshot:
No hormones or steroids or psychotropic ingredients shall be added to these foods
- Every package should carry the words - ' food or health supplement'. The term 'not for medicinal use' shall be prominently written
Amount of nutrients added shall be declared
The labels shall clearly mention the purpose, the target consumer group and the physiological or disease conditions which they address
A food, which has not been particularly modified in any way but is suitable for use in a particular dietary regimen because of its natural composition, shall not be designated as "food supplements" or by any other equivalent term
The quantity of nutrients added shall not exceed the recommended daily allowance
Nutraceutical, which does not have a history of safe use in India, but such safety has been established in other countries, it may be manufactured or sold in India only after taking prior approval from the food authority
- Weight loss products should mention "For the weight control and management" and a statement that the product should not be used by pregnant, nursing and lactating women or by infants, children, adolescents and elderly, except when medically advised
Assocham recommends:
- All products, before reaching the market, should go through rigorous tests
- Small committees should be built at block levels to check counterfeit products in the market and immediately discard them
- The government should provide special incentives and subsidies to emerging companies
"Guidelines for supplements and nutraceuticals will bring clarity to the industry stakeholders and they can invest with no fear of counterfeiting": D S Rawat, secretary general, Assocham
"Not everyone needs supplements. Many health problems can be sorted out by correcting diet. However, some may find the supplements useful.": Esther Sathiaraj, nutritionist

FSSAI plans new rules for product approvals, imports

Regulator issues notice seeking applications from lawyers, legal firms before 7 September to assist it in putting a new system for approvals in place
New Delhi: India’s food safety regulator proposes to introduce fresh regulations on an urgent basis to govern product approvals and imports, an official said.
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) scrapped its existing approvals process on 27 August after the Supreme Court on 19 August questioned the procedures followed by the agency for granting such approvals.
“External legal firms will be hired to assist FSSAI in drafting the fresh regulation that would govern product approvals and imports,” said the official cited above, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The new regulations will eventually have to be passed by Parliament.
FSSAI has also issued a public notice seeking applications from lawyers and legal firms before 7 September to assist it in putting a new system for approvals in place.
“In the light of recent judgements of various courts relating to food safety, FSSAI has decided to engage legal assistance for formulation of regulations on an urgent basis to govern product approvals, imports, and procedures of issuing guidelines and administrative instructions,” the regulator said in the notice.
The apex court upheld a Bombay high court decision quashing an advisory issued by FSSAI on the procedure for product approvals. A bench comprising justices J.S. Khehar and N.V. Ramana said there was no ground for interfering with the high court’s verdict and dismissed FSSAI’s appeal.
The Bombay high court had ruled that FSSAI’s advisory on product approvals “did not have force of law” and was beyond its powers as provided by the Food Safety Standards Act, 2006.
Those reverses came on top of a setback delivered to the FSSAI by the Bombay high court on 13 August when it set aside the food regulator’s nationwide ban order on the sale of Nestle India Ltd’s Maggi noodles. The court said FSSAI had been unable to “substantiate” its “tall claim” of the food product being unsafe, but told the manufacturer it will be allowed to resume production and sales once the popular snack is retested and cleared for consumption by government-approved laboratories.
The court also slammed the regulator for “lack of transparency” and passing orders in an “arbitrary manner”.
Legal firms and lawyers who are or have been associated in any present or previous case against FSSAI will not be eligible to apply for assisting the regulator in putting new processes in place, FSSAI said in its public notice.
The ones who would be selected will also be barred from engaging in any food-related cases for a minimum period of five years from the date FSSAI notifies the new regulations, the regulator said.
FSSAI’s decision to introduce fresh regulations also serves to ease concerns about new product launches.
After FSSAI notified its decision to discontinue the existing product approvals process, packaged food and beverages companies had been concerned about new product launches going ahead.
According to Dheeraj Nair, partner at law firm J. Sagar Associates, technically, there is no legal restriction on new product launches given that the FSSAI had discontinued product approvals.
“The good thing is that FSSAI has also understood that it needs legal experts to formulate regulations. Whether companies will go ahead and launch products or not is a business call that they’ll take. Business has to continue. It can’t stop,” said Nair.
As of 30 June, there were more than 1,000 applications for product approvals pending with the FSSAI. Companies have paid the fee of`25,000 with each of these applications.

Food safety regulator to hire law firms to get back into the groove

Legal firms and lawyers not involved in litigation against the FSSAI in any manner can apply for the job within a week
Within days of stating that it was not possible for it to continue with product approvals, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) on Monday put up a public notice for "engagement of legal assistance for framing regulations".
The FSSAI decided to engage legal assistance for formulation of regulations to govern product approvals, imports, and procedures of issuing guidelines and administrative instructions, the notice said. Legal firms and lawyers not involved in litigation against the FSSAI in any manner can apply for the job within a week.
While knowledge of food laws, experience and qualifications will be the primary criteria for selection, the successful firm will have to provide an undertaking that it will not enter into any litigation or offer legal advice against the FSSAI, directly or indirectly, on food-related matters at least for five years.
Swiss food major Nestle had taken the FSSAI to court after the regulator had in June ordered a nationwide recall of Maggi noodles because samples were allegedly found to contain monosodium glutamate and excessive lead. The Bombay High Court on August 13 gave Nestle India six weeks to have Maggi noodle samples tested in three accredited labs.
The Supreme Court on August 19 ruled the FSSAI was not authorised to approve products under the current legal framework. Last week, the FSSAI issued a notification that it would not be engaged in the process of product approvals, citing the Supreme Court order.
That notice resulted in confusion in the food industry with companies saying they could go ahead with product launches without the intervention of the regulator. A senior FSSAI official had refused to interpret the notification.
Food companies have been upset with the regulator for delayed approvals and the vetting process before launching items. The industry's concerns had peaked after the Maggi noodles recall.

India's Food Safety Watchdog Floats Norms For Meat Products

NEW DELHI: India's food safety watchdog on Monday notified the draft norms for regulating microbes in meat and meat products, and said they would come into force after 60 days of it being published in the official gazette.
It also invited stakeholders to file their comments and objections on the same.
"The objections and suggestions, which may be received from any person with respect to the said draft regulations before the expiry of the period so specified, shall be considered by the food authority," the watchdog said in a notification.
The existing norms covered the category "Microbiological requirements of food products" and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) now wants to include what are called "Hygiene Indicator Organisms" with specifications on maximum amount of bacteria that can be present, along with other criteria.
These criteria include minimum number of samples to be presented for testing, the level above which a lot has to be rejected, the units to be used for analyses, as also definitions of what constitute meat and meat products.

Kerala to continue food safety raids as part of 'Operation Ruchi'

As many as 1766 food safety raids have been carried out across Kerala and nine shops have been closed for selling adulterated food articles during Onam season.
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: As many as 1766 food safety raids have been carried out across Kerala and nine shops have been closed for selling adulterated food articles duringOnam season, Health Minister V S Sivakumar said. 
The drives were conducted as part of 'Operation Ruchi,' the state-wide food safety initiative launched by the Health Department to restrict the use of chemicals and other harmful ingredients in food articles. 
Sivakumar said the initiative was a big success during Onam season and raids would be continued in the coming days. 
"A total of 1,766 raids have been carried out under the drive during Onam period. Raids are continuing at eateries, vegetable stalls and checkposts," he said here. 
The minister said the government's efforts to ensure the availability of unadulterated food articles, complying with the food safety standards, during the festival season met with success. 
He also said Tamil Nadu government co-operated well with the regulations, initiatiated by Kerala to regulate the inflow of pesticide-ridden vegetables and food products. 
An advanced facility to check pesticide content in vegetables and food products would be launched in the Food Safety laboratories in Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam next week and it would give an additional impetus to the mission, the minister said.

Unhealthy competition? Olive oil producers complain to food regulator against Marico's Saffola ad

The letters, sent to ASCI and FSSAI said that Marico’s ad for Saffola Total that it protects better than olive oil is misleading.New Delhi: Olive oil producers in the country have written to the advertising watchdog and food regulator protesting against consumer goods maker Marico's advertisements that claim its edible oil brand Saffola Total is healthier than olive oil.
In complaints filed on behalf of Spanish brand Borges, Field Fresh Foods-promoted Del Monte and Cargill Foods-owned Leonardo, Indian Olive Association (IOA) president Rajneesh Bhasin alleged "total disregard and non-compliance of earlier decisions of ASCI (Advertising Standards Council of India)", and urged it to direct Marico to "withdraw ads at the earliest".
The letters, sent to ASCI and Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) a fortnight ago, said that Marico's advertisements for Saffola Totalthat it protects better than olive oil and has double the antioxidant power of olive oil are "misleading".
EThas seen a copy of the letters. "Marico, in complete disregard of the rules and regulations framed under the FSSAI, continues to make misleading and exaggerated claims in ads for Saffola Total, indulging in unfair trade practices," the letter to ASCI said. "Statements (in the ads) have not been adequately or scientifically justified and violate provisions of the FSSAI and the packaging and labelling regulations under the ASCI code."
IOA's letter to FSSAI said that the claims made in the Saffola Total advertisement "need to be substantiated with necessary support data", and added that commercials denigrating olive oil are "unfair and unethical".
A spokesperson for Marico said Saffola Total is based on antioxidant technology, which made it a "breakthrough" product. "We have independent clinical data that proves Saffola Total is better than olive oil across all three variants: pomace, refined and extra virgin," the spokesperson said.
"Clinical tests conducted by an independent research agency shows distinct benefits of test oil in making favourable changes in lipid profile in comparison to all types of olive oil used in culinary practices," the Marico spokesperson said, adding that the company has conveyed this to ASCI.
The ASCI hearing on the matter is scheduled for Tuesday. This is not the first time olive oil manufacturers have locked horns with Marico. Two years ago, IOA had filed complaints with ASCI alleging "misleading ads" by Marico. The complaints were upheld by the complaints committee of ASCI.

Subway to shift to antibiotic free chicken

Subway plans to switch to chicken raised without human antibiotics by next year, company officials said this week.The sandwich chain is also working to find antibiotic-free options for all the meats on its menu, although it couldn’t say when that might happen, given the 44,000-unit chain’s size and the limited supply.The move comes as Subway, which celebrated its 50th anniversary on Friday, The Natural Resources Defense Council, or NRDC, used Subway’s anniversary to increase pressure on the sandwich chain, pushing for officials to publicly commit to phasing out meat raised with antibiotics.
Using a billboard in Subway’s hometown of Milford, Conn., as well as petitions and a social media push, the NRDC called on Subway to implement a three-step plan for antibiotic stewardship, including a timeline for action, an immediate move away from chicken raised with human antibiotics, and adopting a third-party audit system to benchmark results in meeting those goals.Other large restaurant chains, including McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle Mexican Grill and Panera Bread, have announced initiatives to eliminate suppliers that routinely use antibiotics to produce meat.
Antibiotics use
“Subway has been conspicuously silent on its antibiotic policies at a time when a flood of other industry leaders are stepping up to address the health threat of antibiotic abuse in meat production,” said Lena Brook, NRDC food policy advocate. “If Subway wants to be seen as serving a healthier alternative to fast food, it should assure its customers that it’s serving meat from farms where antibiotics are not overused.”Research has indicated that the use of human antibiotics to treat animals raised for food has contributed to the rise of “superbug” bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics.The NRDC contends that many large industrial farms commonly use antibiotics to help animals grow faster and to allow them to survive in overcrowded and sometimes unsanitary conditions.More than 60 environmental organizations — including the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, the Consumers Union, the Center for Food Safety and Friends of the Earth — have joined in the campaign targeting Subway, and sent a letter to company officials in June calling for action.
Eliminate antibiotics across the menu
In a statement, Subway officials said they share concerns about the overuse of antibiotics in livestock production.“We have been working toward the elimination of antibiotics, as are many other companies, which makes securing supply challenging for a chain our size,” Subway said through a spokeswoman. “We are working with our suppliers to find a cost-effective, quality solution for our franchisees and customers.”The goal is to eliminate the use of antibiotics in products across the menu, Subway said, but “we cannot provide a date when all the work will get done as the demand is somewhat higher than supply right now. However, we are targeting to transition to chicken raised without antibiotics important to human medicine in 2016.Brook said Subway’s response was “heartening,” but that the NRDC’s campaign would continue.“We’re hoping to see a more concrete commitment,” she said. “We’d love to see Subway become a leader on this issue, rather than a laggard. We’re here to help them figure out the details about what it takes to be strong antibiotic stewards.”Food activist and blogger Vani Hari, known as the “Food Babe,” launched a campaign last year against Subway petitioning for the chain to remove azodicarbonamide — a chemical also used to make yoga mats and other materials — from Subway’s bread. The chain has since removed the chemical.

Plastic packaging no more

The National Green Tribunal has directed the Centre and various stakeholders to file their submissions on a proposal that there should be a complete prohibition on the use of plastic packaging in food and pharmaceutical formulations of any kind.
“It appears that none of the concerned ministries are prepared to take a decision which according to them at one time was need of the hour in larger public interest. Be that as it may, we will proceed with hearing of the matter and take appropriate decision in accordance with law.
“We direct all the parties before us i.e. Ministry of Health and MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), CPCB and the Board under the Drugs Act and all the other respondents, stakeholders, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and all the private stakeholders to place a note,” a bench headed by Justice Swatanter Kumar said.
The tribunal was hearing a petition filed by NGO Him Jagriti Uttaranchal Welfare Society seeking restrictions on the use of plastic bottle and multi-layered, plastic packages or pet bottles by imposing a ban on packaging of carbonated soft drink.
The tribunal slammed the MoEF over its affidavit which had said the ministry deliberated over various aspects of pet bottles packaging of food and food products but concluded that there was no conclusive data available to substantiate any claim.
The green bench deprecated the ministry for filing the affidavit through its Joint Director and said a matter of national importance cannot be handled by an officer of such level. It also noted the submissions by the NGO which had referred to the minutes of the 70th meeting of the Drug Technical Advisory Board held on August 18.
The NGO contended that it has been clearly established that certain pharmaceutical preparations packaged in PET bottles upon testing showed presence of chromium, antimony, lead, etc at room temperature.
However, various plastic manufacturing firms denied this and said this test was not performed by the “accredited lab” and that too not along with controlled samples. Therefore, no weightage should be given to these findings.
The ministries appearing before the bench, however, said that they do not support the contention that National Test House (NTH), which carried out testing, is not an accredited lab.
The green panel also noted that earlier the Drug Technical Advisory Board in its 65th meeting held on 25 November, 2013 had expressed an opinion that “it would be in the public interest considering precautionary principle that children, old men, women in reproductive age are not exposed to the unhygienic environmental impacts of packing of pharmaceutical products in plastic/PET container”.
If banned, the order can have wide ramifications as various household item like spices, milk, hair oil, shampoo, beverages cereal, biscuits and carbonated drinks use Tetra pak cartons, plastic sachets and PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles.